Friday, September 16, 2005

Orca Transients

Date : Friday September 16th 2005
Location : Chattam Sound, BC Canada
Position : 54-18N 130-37W
Species : Killer whale Orcinus orca (Transients)
Total number seen : 3

Today we went whalewatching with Prince Rupert Adventure Tours.
Our goal was to see humpback whales but we started with a group a 3 Transients!
The group consists of 2 males and 1 females. This group was possible the T170 group.
I have one positive ID of T170. The other male might be T171
The female, T172 was speeding with 12 knots.

T170 T 172

We saw the transients at position 54-18N 130-37W in Chattam Sound, heading south.

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